Lenderse Loan System
Enhance Risk Management to Avoid Fraud and Lend Securely
Serving a Variety of Lending Products
Personal Loan
Loan for Property Owner Without Mortgage
Personal Loan for Public Housing Homeowners
First Mortgage Loan
Second Mortgage Loan
Mortgage Further Advance
Mortgage for Parking Space
Design Specifically For Professional Lenders
An all-rounded solution for loan management designed for personal loans, personal loans with properties and mortgage business. Comprising the domain knowledge and technology, it leverages the system to serve loans application, loan collection and meeting regulatory compliance, which facilitates a smooth operation of process. Lenderse connects with various third parties to analyze the application and transforms data to report for lenders to manage the business in a single surface.
- Streamline the lending process in a single platform
- Prevent lending fraud with multi-layers loan approval judgement
- Analyse loan business with instant reports and reveal big data insights
- Increase the productivity of loan officers and boost customer satisfaction
- Decrease loan closing time and provide penetrate loan status for monitoring
Was headache toward one of the aforementioned aspects and see the light now? No More Waiting!